
5 Easter Treats to Keep Away From Your Pets

Easter is just around the corner, which means the bunny and a bunch of special springtime treats are, too! While we wish your whole family (fur babies included) a “hoppy” Easter holiday, we also want to wish you a safe celebration. Easter egg hunts and baskets are pretty tame for human revelers, but they do pose some threats to our pets. For a safe, cheerful Easter, keep your pets away from the following Easter treats.

1. Chocolate and Sweets

Chocolate and the sugar alcohol xylitol (commonly found in sugar-free candy) are both highly toxic for pets. If your children will be hunting for eggs filled with these ingredients, make sure your pets are kept in a safe place until all of the sweets are off the floor and out of their reach.

2. Easter Grass

Shiny, brightly colored Easter grass is a favorite filling and decoration for Easter baskets. The plastic variety, however, is quite dangerous for pets. They’ll be attracted to the stuff (because it’s fun, of course) but it can do some serious damage if a pet accidentally ingests it. Instead, fill your baskets with a non-toxic paper variety of artificial grass.

3. Plastic Eggs

Plastic eggs rattle and roll just like your pet’s other toys. However, they are not pet-safe and can easily break into sharp splinters that could perforate your pet’s esophagus or intestines if ingested.

4. Raisins, Grapes, and Nuts

Raisins, grapes, and certain kinds of nuts are all toxic for pets. Keep them away from the fruit salad, snack bowls, cinnamon rolls, and hot cross buns.

5. Spring Flowers and Bulbs

At Easter, spring flowers are just beginning to bloom. So, it’s only natural to want to fill your house with their bright colors and lovely fragrances. However, most spring flowers and their pollen, leaves, stems, and bulbs are toxic for pets. This includes lilies, daffodils, hyacinth, tulips, and more. Before you bring a new plant or bouquet into your home, check the ASPCA’s list of toxic and non-toxic plants to make sure it’s safe.

Try These Pet-Friendly Easter Activities

Instead of letting your pet miss out on all the fun, you can involve them in their very own pet-friendly activities for Easter day. Ask the Easter bunny to leave a basket filled with pet treats, toys, and chews for your cat or dog. You can also have the bunny hide some extra-smelly “eggs” around the house for your pets to find (just be sure you hide pet-safe treats in places they can easily reach). For more Easter ideas for pets or to schedule a spring-time examination, vaccine update, and parasite preventative appointment for your pet, contact Pacific Animal Hospital of Redondo Beach today.

Let's Celebrate National Pet Dental Month!

National Pet Dental Month has arrived. We like to celebrate by spreading awareness about the importance of dental care for cats and dogs. Although many pet parents aren’t aware, dogs and cats need dental care, just like us. In fact, it’s estimated that 70% of all cats and 80% of all dogs develop periodontal disease by age 3. Periodontal disease is not only detrimental to oral health, causing oral discomfort and pain, but it also causes organ damage, leads to systemic illnesses, and can shorten a pet’s lifespan.
Thankfully, your pet’s health can be safeguarded because periodontal disease in pets can be easily prevented with regular dental care.

Top 5 Ways to Keep Your Pet's Teeth Healthy

1. Professional Pet Dental Appointments

Just like you visit the dentist regularly for a cleaning and checkup, pets should have professional dental care, too. With scaling and polishing to remove plaque and tartar buildup, these exams are similar to human dental appointments, but they do occur with pets fully sedated for their safety and comfort.

2. Teeth Brushing

The best way to maintain your pet’s oral health between professional cleanings is by brushing their teeth regularly. Look for a toothbrush or finger brush (kind of like a soft thimble with scrubbers) that’s designed for your species and size of pet. Then be sure to use toothpaste that’s formulated and flavored to be safe and effective for use on cats and dogs.

3. Dental Wipes

If your cat or dog simply won’t tolerate brushing, you can try dental wipes. They aren’t quite as effective as brushing, but they will help remove some of the plaque and food particles from your pet’s teeth.

4. Dental-Friendly Treats and Kibble

There are lots of dental-friendly treats and foods available that can help promote good oral health in your pets at meal and treat time. Look for the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) seal of approval and be sure to choose treats and kibble varieties that are the right size for your pet.

5. Dental-Friendly Chew Toys

Satisfy your pet’s urge to chew with toys designed to break up plaque and tartar and promote dental health. Be sure to choose toys that are the right size for your pet.

Save On Your Pet's Pet Dentistry Appointment During Pet Dental Health Month

During Pet Dental Health Month, we’re offering $100 off of pet dental appointments. Appointments are filling up fast, so be sure to book your pet’s next dental cleaning and exam at Pacific Animal Hospital of Redondo Beach as soon as you can.

It's National Walk Your Pet Month – Celebrate with a Healthier Pet!

It’s January, and it’s cold outside, but it’s also National Walk Your Pet Month. All of us at Pacific Animal Hospital invite you to celebrate by grabbing your pet’s harness and leash (cats are welcome, too!) and heading outside for some exercise in the brisk winter weather.

History of Walk Your Dog Month

A 2018 survey from the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention found that 56% of dogs and 60% of cats in the United States were either overweight or obese. Unfortunately, extra weight makes a big difference in a pet’s health. Being overweight puts pets at risk of health conditions such as:
Being overweight not only diminishes your pet’s quality of life but can also significantly reduce their life expectancy.
National Walk Your Pet Month was started to raise awareness about pet obesity and to encourage exercise during the season when most would rather stay inside.

More Reasons to Walk in Winter

In addition to helping pets maintain a healthy weight, walking also promotes good digestive health in pets.
Additionally, winter walks help channel your pet’s energy into a positive activity. If your pets seem to have more behavioral problems in the winter (or any time of year) it could indicate a lack of stimulation and exercise.
Last but not least, going on walks with your pets provides an opportunity for you to bond. Your pet will enjoy spending time with you and sharing the simple activity of taking a tour around the neighborhood.

Top Tips for Taking Pets on Winter Walks

1. Keep it Short and Frequent

If you don’t enjoy the cooler weather, we recommend going for shorter, more frequent walks. You and your pet will still get the same amount of exercise, but you’ll stay warmer.

2. Stay Dry

With wet fur and a cool winter breeze, a pet can quickly become too cold on a walk. Whether you’ve just given your pet a bath or you’re walking along the beach, keep a towel handy to make sure your pet’s fur is dried thoroughly before or during a walk.

Don't Forget to Schedule Your Pet's Annual Wellness Exam with Our Redondo Beach Veterinarian

In addition to getting plenty of exercise, pets need regular wellness and preventative veterinary care to stay healthy. If you haven’t done so yet, don’t forget to schedule your pet’s annual veterinary appointment for vaccine boosters, a physical examination, and parasite prevention. Contact Pacific Animal Hospital of Redondo Beach today!

5 Reasons to Adopt an Older Pet

With graying fur and quieter dispositions, senior pets are, unfortunately, often overlooked at animal shelters and pet rescue centers. While it seems most people want to start fresh with a puppy or kitten, older pets certainly have their charms. If you choose to give a senior pet a chance at living out his or her golden years in your home, you certainly won’t be disappointed.

Top 5 Reasons to Adopt a Super-Special Senior Pet

1. They’re Already Housebroken

Everyone loves cuddly kittens and playful puppies, but let’s be honest: they can be a handful to have in your home. Keeping up with, training, and cleaning up after a baby pet is basically a full-time job. Senior pets have already learned their manners. They know where and when to relieve themselves, and they know it’s best not to play tug-o-war with the drapes.

2. They Fit Into Any Family

Senior pets are much more mild-mannered than their younger counterparts. While they’re still energetic and love to play, they won’t overwhelm a family with small children or other pets living in the home.

3. They Can Still Learn New Tricks

So, maybe older cats are no more keen to learn tricks than a kitten, but old dogs still enjoy training with their owners. No matter how old your new floppy-eared friend is, she’ll still enjoy bonding with you while you teach her to shake or play hide and seek.

4. New Snuggle Buddy

Although they love to play, older pets make perfect companions because what they’ll really enjoy doing after a game of fetch is snuggling up with you on the sofa.

5. You’ll Be a Hero

Most importantly, when you choose to adopt a senior pet from the animal shelter, you’re not only rescuing a cat or dog; you’re rescuing an animal with a sweet soul that might have otherwise been overlooked. You’ll be a hero, and your new furry companion will love you with all his heart for the rest of his days.

Specialized Senior Pet Care in Redondo Beach

As pets age, there’s no reason they should slow down, too! You can make your pet’s golden years sparkle with regular wellness care, health screenings, and dietary and lifestyle adjustments designed to keep them feeling their best. At Pacific Animal Hospital, our Redondo Beach veterinarian provides individualized preventative care and geriatric wellness exams for senior cats and dogs. To schedule an appointment for your senior pet, we welcome you to contact us today.